
Products and Services



Feedback and Reviews


In listing, we provide Amazon sellers with functions such as batch upload, attribute modification, accuracy check of front page, etc

1) Batch upload: The batch upload function means that the system allows users to upload multiple files or data at once, rather than having to split into individual uploads. For users who need to upload a large number of files or data, it can greatly save time and improve efficiency. When batch uploading, the system usually provides an interface for users to select the files or data to be uploaded, and after uploading, the system will automatically process these files or data and assign them to the correct location or database. Some systems are also able to automatically identify and classify uploaded files or data, making it further in line with the needs of users.

2) Batch property modification: Batch property modification allows users to modify the properties or Settings of multiple items at one time without modifying them one by one. This feature is particularly suitable for scenarios where there are a large number of similar projects that require the same or similar modifications. For example, if you have a batch of products whose prices need to be changed, instead of changing them individually, you can use the batch property modification function to select all the products that need to be changed at once, and then modify the price together. This not only saves time, but also reduces the possibility of mistakes.

3) Page accuracy check: Page accuracy check refers to the verification and verification of page content by the system in order to ensure the accuracy and consistency of data. This function usually includes automatic verification of page content, user manual verification and system automatic correction. After the user submits the modified or uploaded data, the system automatically verifies the content. If the content is incorrect or does not meet the requirements, the system prompts the user to modify the content. Or after the user completes the modification, the system will check again and automatically correct the possible small errors to ensure the accuracy of the data.


Promotion Activity Settings: We can set up various types of promotional activities for you.

  1. For example, social media promotion,percentage off,buy one get one, and these promotion types, we can set the operation cycle, budget and keywords of the activity. The company’s sales staff only need to apply for promotion. Next, the corresponding operators will receive push to the background Settings, and batch Settings can also be performed. It saves the communication time and improves the work efficiency of the company personnel.
  2. Coupon. All you need is for salespeople to provide sku and asin for making coupons, fill in the specific offer, and then push them to operation colleagues. Then the operation person will go to the background to make coupons.
  3. Vine. For Vine members willing to submit reviews, Amazon offers a free copy of the product. At this stage, sellers need to determine which products they want to participate in the Vine program. Amazon sellers can select products. After filling in the ASIN, inventory quantity and sales price of the product, the system will push it, and the corresponding personnel will click on the execution after the production is completed, and the remaining times of the system will be updated for the convenience of the corresponding personnel.

Feedback and Reviews
We realize that effective feedback management will also help expand the business growth of sellers. To achieve this goal, we will provide comprehensive support so that sellers can receive, understand, and effectively respond to all types of customer feedback. In this way, sellers can not only solve problems that may hinder business development, but also increase business visibility, attract more customers, and expand the scale of their business by obtaining opportunities to positively evaluate products or services.

1)Review Monitoring: We provide comprehensive comment monitoring services, and negative comments will be promptly alerted to suppliers so that they can promptly troubleshoot and ensure high-quality supply.

2)Data analysis: We provide feedback data analysis, where merchants can observe and analyze a series of data such as long-term evaluation trends and rating ratios, fully understanding the advantages and disadvantages of products and services and user needs.